Tuesday, July 19, 2011

China Getting Fatter, But Not Like U.S.

When I turn on TV, the most popular commercials showed up are about fitness, diet, or weight loss. Overweight, obviously,  is one of serious problems in the U.S. I usually don't eat cakes, sausages, packed ham which are made there. Because they are either too sweet or too salty. Sometimes, I wonder, do American people enjoy eating those kinds of food everyday? Why the ready-to-bake cake package does contain so much sugar? I don't understand this. We can add an amount as much as we like, can we?

Today, I read a story about young Chinese generation getting overweight problem too. How it happened? I mean, they eat a lot of veges. Some researches conducted in the U.S. show that China is getting fatter, but not like U.S. There are two interesting facts that I want to point here. One is: the richer families in China are, the fatter their kids could be.  Another one is: boys are fat, girls not.

If you are interested in the story, please read at ChinaRealTimeReport 

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